Things I’ve Officially Stopped Caring About and Wish Others Would Too…

Kate Gosselin on Dancing With the Stars.  This is one person I wish would get voted off the damn show so that we could stop hearing about how awful of a dancer she is.  Did we seriously think she would be the next Ginger Rogers? 
The drama that is American Idol.  I apologize in advance for anyone that I may offend, but I’ve never watched the show and don’t really intend to.  I find it trivial and irritating.  Why do we care if Simon Cowell is mean to Ellen Degeneres?  Ellen is a big girl and well respected in Hollywood so why the hell is she letting Simon make her cry?  Ratings perhaps?
Jesse James, Tiger Woods and anyone else that claims sex addiction.   I say “man up and just admit that you were a horn dog, screwed around, got caught and that you’re sorry”.  Stop assuming that by checking yourself into rehab and blaming it on a “disease” that all will be forgotten (although it would be nice if it would).   If it wasn’t for Sandra Bullock, Jesse James would have been forgotten long ago.  Let’s make it happen.
The History Channel, The Learning Channel (TLC).   When did “history” and "learning" become about Ice Road Truckers, Ax Men and Ice Pilots, Pawn Stars, LA Ink, Police Women of Broward County and Hoarders.  I'm certainly not learning anything new or historic from these programs, except my distaste for them is growing.    No offense to anyone that may be employed in any of the professions affiliated with these programs; however I think I might divorce my husband over his fondness for these channels.  True story.


f8hasit said…
How I hear you on ALL fronts!
I never did get that whole Kate thing or American Idol in the first place...

I'm a Boomerang or NatGeo person all the way. Ice Truckers? C'mon.
Regarding the history channel... American Pickers is fast becoming my favorite show. I feel the need to defend it! If you love "junk" antiques like I do, then you would love this show. And-- it might irritate your husband a little. Just sayin'. Kate, Tiger, Simon... I'm over them and tired of hearing about it. Amen on all points.
I'm with you on everything except TLC. I LOVE TLC. I know, it's pathetic that Little People, Big World, What Not To Wear, and LA Ink entertain me, but I can't help it.
Brian Miller said…
yep. i second that motion...
@f8hasit - I LOVE National Geographic. I don't think we get Boomerang in Canada.

@Country Gone City - I'm obviously missing out on American Pickers. We don't have that show in Canada...yet. :(

@FG - I don't dislike all things TLC, just certain ones. I do like Little People Big World, The Little Chocolatiers and What Not to Wear. I used to like Miami Ink, but now the drama just irritates me (Kat needs to get a backbone).

@Brian - Thanks. That means a lot coming from a man.
VandyJ said…
I have sometimes wondered where the learning in The Learning Channel went. I love What Not To Wear but really don't watch much else there anymore. I don't mind Pawn Stars, but then I live with a bunch of guys and they don't go in for lots of girly shows.
Sarah said…
Agreed, agreed, agreed and agreed!!!

I admit I have watched some of DWTS this year but not much and I don't watch any of the other shows.

I hate the 'sex addiction' thing. Bull crap if you ask me. I agree with what you said about it exactly.
Rebecca S. said…
Kate Gosselin just moves from one soap opera to the next as that is what all reality tv shows end of being in my view. And why does she remind me now of some demonized version of Tammy Faye Baker?

I remember when A&E used to be about Arts and Education and then suddenly they had Dog the Bounty Hunter and Cops type shows. Just sad, very sad.
Brindy said…
We get American Idol over here and it says it's the last series for Simon Cowell so maybe it's just us that will have to endure him. He starts on our TV tomorrow on a new series of Britains Got Talent - remember Susan Boyle? Well, no doubt we'll be getting a lot more hopefuls this year. Will I be watching? 'Fraid so! Here in Spain we don't get the full choice of our UK channels so have to be happy with what we get.
Mara said…
I could give two shits about anything any celebrity, sports stars, musicians do with their lives. I don't know these people personally, so why would I care what they do with themselves?

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