Spring Forward...
By March, signs of Spring have usually begun to make their appearance – warming temperatures, melting snow, longer days and more sunshine. Such is not the case this year – winter is not letting go. Unless you can count the Canada geese that are honking outside my office window and the smell of skunk in the air – those are the only signs that Spring may be in our future. We have now officially had almost 5 months of below freezing temperatures. No joke! I plan on burning all of my winter sweaters when Spring finally arrives. Yes, I know I’ll need them next year, but I’ll worry about that then. They are gone! No joke there either. I hate them sooo much. I’ve packed on enough pounds this winter to easily get me through the next 3 winters. I don’t even care. The last thing I’m thinking about is exercising or salads. Comfort foods are the only things on my mind. I’ll worry about weight loss in the Spri...