
Showing posts with the label Revenge

The Joy of Christmas Cards...

With the exception of this year, I have faithfully mailed out Christmas cards to friends, family and acquaintances (both old and new). I typically take the time to hand-write a personal greeting to each and every recipient. For some odd reason, I have found this task to be therapeutic – perhaps a simple way of showing my appreciation of how much this person’s friendship has meant to me. I never expected the card giving gesture to be reciprocated by all, but I admit that it was nice to arrive home to find a Christmas card or two in the pile of mail sitting on the kitchen counter. A card is a relatively cheap gift to give, but the warm thoughts that come with them are priceless. I don’t know what happened to me this year and I don’t have an excuse – other than I was lazy in failing to write a single note or managing to mail even one card. I’m saddened by my lack of Christmas cheer. In not sending these cards, I have also notice that I did not rece...