
Showing posts with the label world events

Random Thoughts - Restless in Canada…

Where has the time gone?   And by time, I mean Summer.   The temperatures have been above normal for October, so that’s not the problem.   The problem is the lack of sunshine and copious amounts of rain.   It’s dark when I wake up and close to dark by the time I get home.   In a few weeks IT WILL be dark by the time I get home and soon, I’ll need to have the snow tires put on my car.   After that, everything goes downhill until April... I’m experiencing a great deal of “funk” these days – especially as it relates to work.   I’ve got the “seven year itch”, but it’s only been 4 years.   Believe me, 4 years is like an eternity for me right now.   My job duties are in flux at the moment.   I’ve taken on extra/new duties, with the promise of a new hire to take some of my old duties away and as it just so happens, that new hire is still weeks off.     I’ve become so disgusted by this place, that I’ve given up caring about anything ...