Random Thoughts - Restless in Canada…

Where has the time gone?  And by time, I mean Summer.  The temperatures have been above normal for October, so that’s not the problem.  The problem is the lack of sunshine and copious amounts of rain.  It’s dark when I wake up and close to dark by the time I get home.  In a few weeks IT WILL be dark by the time I get home and soon, I’ll need to have the snow tires put on my car.  After that, everything goes downhill until April...

I’m experiencing a great deal of “funk” these days – especially as it relates to work.  I’ve got the “seven year itch”, but it’s only been 4 years.  Believe me, 4 years is like an eternity for me right now.  My job duties are in flux at the moment.  I’ve taken on extra/new duties, with the promise of a new hire to take some of my old duties away and as it just so happens, that new hire is still weeks off.   I’ve become so disgusted by this place, that I’ve given up caring about anything work related.  Enough said on that topic…

J and I participated in a new craft/art show this past weekend.  For it being “new”, we are quite happy with how well we did.  Others at the show weren’t as happy.  I’m amazed at how offended people become when their product doesn’t sell like hotcakes.  I hear things like “they obviously don’t know who I am” or “don’t people understand that my product is the best around”.    First of all, I don’t care who you are or how great your product is – if you don’t have what people want to buy, you won’t sell it.  It’s as easy as that.  Now, get over yourself…

J and I have recently taken up mountain biking.  Well, let me clarify, we bought mountain bikes, we bought helmets, and we have bought water bottles, BUT we haven’t quite made it to anywhere that would resemble a mountain.  We have plenty of old railways in our area that have been removed and made into bike and walking trails, so they are a perfect place to re-learn how to ride a bike and to build stamina.  They saying is true “that you never forget how to ride a bike”, BUT you do forget how painful you bum will be at the end of your ride.  Our goal is to continue to ride until the snow falls and then switch to training indoors on our son’s bike trainer.  I’m hoping to get myself into a semi-fit state before next riding season so that we can ride with our friends that are slightly more hardcore.  Fingers crossed…

There seems to be a sense of doom and gloom with the world these days.  Honestly, the world is a scary place - between ISIS and ebola, serial killers, random shootings, the economy, poverty, world hunger and just the everyday jerks, I'm losing my faith in humanity.  I'm not giving up, I'm just continuing to evaluate what's important to me, my happiness and doing what I can to make the lives of others a little bit brighter.

And on that note, I'll share with you my new motto.  It's works well for all occasions - repeat as needed.


k said…
I so agree with the whole "doom and gloom" of the world lately...is there anything GOOD on the news, ever?!?! I don't even watch TV much but when I do, it's all negative and depressing. Sometimes I wonder if we will even live as long as our grandparents did....it seems like there's something that will kill us before our time. Depressing!!!
Beatriz said…
Love that you are using your bikes! My sister gave me hers and it's been in my garage now gathering dust because I had thought of riding it to work but never got around to it. I remember after my first spin class I felt rather violated, I hurt for 2 days after!

Don't worry about the Ebola, I think we've got it contained in Dallas ;) I kid, a few got out but we've got them under control now! Bust out of your quarantine, we'll put you under lock and key! They did do that to the people in Dallas but they were punks so they deserved it.
Bobby Allan said…
Oh my gosh, that's one of my favorite sayings. That and "putting lipstick on a pig."

Maybe one of the circus monkeys would be interested in a pig?

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