Treat Others As You Wish to be Treated, Else it Will Bite You…
As many of you know, I switched jobs a few months ago – in November to be exact. After being under-utilized and bored out of my mind in my previous job, this new job is a welcomed addition…mostly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to start ranting about how much I hate this job – at least not yet. The position is still new, so I don’t have any real complaints – yet. I say “yet” because we all know the world is not perfect and neither am I. I’m being realistic - the rants will come, just not today. Today, I bring you an observation… I’m generally an organized person. I’m not OCD about it, but believe organization brings productivity and productivity brings profitability – to both the company and me. I’m a firm believer that if you work hard, someone will notice and you may receive recognition for it. I know this may be delusional, but nonetheless, I try hard. I’m not an over...