
Showing posts with the label song lyrics

Theme Song of My Life...

Have you ever wondered if a movie was made about your life, what would the theme song be? Mine, would be “Raise a Little Hell” by Trooper (btw - a good ole Canadian band). For my 13 th birthday, I had a roller skating party at the local roller rink and my parents requested this song for me.    The lyrics were fitting for me then and who knew that they would stand the test of time.     What’s your theme? Take a listen…enjoy, and rock on!  

I O U...

I was listening to a Sunday morning “oldies” radio show a few weeks ago (yes, I love the oldies and no, I’m not THAT old).   I listened closely to the lyrics, as it was a song I’d never heard before and by the end I was in all choked up and close to tears.  Sappy I know.   Turns out the song was by Jimmy Dean.  The same Jimmy Dean that became a sausage entrepreneur ( and who died on Sunday at the age of 81.  Too bad his most famous song was “Big Bad John”.  Anyhow, read the lyrics closely and you’ll understand what I mean.   I would hope that I’ve left my son with thoughts just like these… I OU, Mom                                   ~ by Jimmy Dean ~    "You know most people look th...