
Showing posts with the label Pet Peeves

Today's Irritant - Indecisiveness...

I’m a decisive person. If you present a situation, I will present you with a solution. I won’t guarantee it will be the right solution, but it’s a solution just the same. If you ask an opinion, I’ll give it to you. It might not be what you want to hear and if it’s not, oh well - you shouldn’t have asked me in the first place. Ask me a question. I’ll give you an answer. Why the hell can’t people give me the same courtesy? There are numerous individuals in my life that cannot come to a decision on their own and it’s pushing me to the brink. I simply hate wishy-washy responses like… “I don’t care. What do you want to do?” or “It doesn’t matter. Whatever you want will be fine with me.” I could make all the decisions and never give these individuals any opportunity to make a decision, but that would be rude and uncaring. Instead, I say “Grow a spine and decide already. The earth will not stop rotating if you make the wrong decision. Trust me….I’ve made a few wrong...

Horsing Around

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I commute 180 km/112 miles round-trip per day and this time is usually spent with a minimal amount of any excitement. Well today’s commute started out like any another – coffee in my travel mug, tunes on the radio, sunglasses on and away I go. All was going as it usually does, that is with the exception of the Clydesdale grazing along side the road. Shoot! In my many years of travel, I have rescued numerous horses, cattle and even pigs from what would be their certain collision with the grill of a passing motor vehicle. Each time I see an escapee, my immediate thought is “don’t stop, they’ll be fine, just don’t think about it and don’t look back”, but before I know what’s happening, my moral compass has taken over and I’m stomping on the brakes, careening to the side of the road and assessing the situation. I’ve learned that horses are typically the easiest to manage (typically is the key word), cattle on the other hand are totally unpredictable...


I have recently realized that I cannot stand loud noise of any kind or maybe it’s the people and devices that make the noise that I can’t stand. The jury is still out on that one. There are many noises that send me over the edge – the “dead battery” warning on your cell phone – please just turn it off or charge the damn thing; annoying cell phone ringtones – turn it down, we don’t need to hear “Super Freak” over and over again; background music from any Nintendo DS game – Nintendo can afford to splurge a bit on programming a longer tune instead of the same loop; honking car horns; screeching tires; people that suck food from their teeth (don’t even get me started on that one). Well, you get the picture…I'm bothered by noise. Anyhow, today I am particularly irritated by the volume level on the television, which my husband insists on jacking up and leaving there through programs and the subsequent onslaught of commercials. The best part is - he doesn’t seem to think ...