
Showing posts with the label Idiots

Self-Imposed Time-Out…

I don’t know about any of you with children, but when my son was little and was having a melt-down, being disrespectful or just plain out of control, we would put him in a “time-out”.   The time-out was typically done away from others, in a quiet spot, with no outside stimulation.   For us, the bottom step on our staircase worked wonders since there was nothing around, and nothing to look at except a wall.   The time-out period usually only lasted 5-10 minutes, but in extreme cases it could last longer. Today, I wish someone would put me in a time-out.   I’d happily find a secluded staircase somewhere in the building where I could refocus my energy and have a moment to myself, to readjust my attitude. I woke up from a good sleep and was ready for the day.   AND THEN…I got to work.   Duhn, duhn, duhn, dunnnnnn!    I wish I could say the rest of the day will get better, but alas – it won’t.   I have a “team” lunch meeti...

Things to Ponder…

Does anyone use the word “please” or is it just a given that they are entitled to something and therefore the word is not required? Why are some people just bitchy assholes EVERY, SINGLE day of the year? When did we become so self-absorbed? Why do some people believe the world revolves around them? Why does the festive season bring out the worst in mankind? Why has Facebook become the first thing people turn to when they need to express their emotions? What did we do with our spare time before social media and Candy Crush? Do you really care if a Facebook friend cleared a level on Candy Crush? Why does Facebook recommend “people that I may know” that only appear to be porn stars? Do they know something I don’t? Does anyone read anything other than status updates anymore? Why do the Internet Nazis allow me access to social media sites, but not the Weather Network? Why do we wish our lives away and only live for the weekends? Does anyone send Christmas cards anymo...

Clean Up Your Act...

This week’s rant is brought to you by the letter T - as is in Trash. I am absolutely appalled by the amount of trash/garbage/refuse that I have seen lying along the sides of the roads these last few weeks. I’ve witnessed everything from an old mattress, to old shoes and a chair, but the worst thing of all has been the amount of fast food trash. Have people really become that lazy and oblivious to the world around them? Apparently so. Do they think that by tossing their SH*T out the window, it will magically disappear? Apparently so. I just can’t understand what these individuals can possibly be thinking. Oh wait – they aren’t! There are trash cans at every fast food outlet. Public parks, malls and almost every other public space have trash cans. Every household has at least one trash can. Use them! I read a local news article yesterday where one town has the problem of finding whole trash bags full strewn about their rural areas because certain counties have a “pay ...

Professional Babysitter Extraordinaire...

I am once again baffled by the management of the company I work for. I’m even more baffled why those in certain management roles in the company continue to get promoted, are given bonuses, raises, etc.  Without going into great detail, I’ll try to summarize the latest round of moronic moves made by management, including my boss. We have a sales operations team in place; that are supposed to be responsible for reviewing and processing incoming purchase orders. Part of the review process is to confirm whether or not we have negotiated terms and conditions in place and if we do, the sales operations team is to confirm that this is referenced on the incoming purchase orders. If the negotiated terms are not referenced, our policy states that we are to reject the purchase order until it is corrected. Easy enough right?  Somewhere along the line, the sales operations team decided to ignore this company policy and have been accepting all purchase orders – regardless of ...

Sensitivity in an Insensitive World...

I’ve never been an overly sensitive person – at least not until recently. Understand that I am fairly sensitive to others feelings, but I’m not easily offended by others actions towards me. Having said that, lately I’m finding myself bothered by little things – little things that would have typically either gone unnoticed or I would have shrugged off as stupidity on the part of the offending party. Maybe it’s just that I have more time to dwell on these little things or perhaps the little things aren’t so little after all. Whatever it is, I don’t like it and hope it leaves as fast as it arrived, as I much prefer my impervious nature. Sensitivity sucks! There are a few things that are guaranteed to set me off and once I’m off, we’ve surpassed the point of no return. The #1 thing that sends my blood pressure boiling is being called (to my face) “miserable”, “grumpy”, “bitchy” or any similar form of slander. Feel free to call me what you will behind my back, but se...

Hell Hasn't Frozen Over...

Given last week’s rant about my current boss and the new job offer I expect to be receiving next week, I’ve decided to reflect upon some of the good, bad and ugly bosses and co-workers I’ve had over the last 10 years. A little over 3 years ago, I was working at a company that I loved, for a boss that I liked. I was convinced that I had finally broken the curse of bad career moves. For 10 months, I flourished within a male dominated workplace and managed to gain respect along the way. Little did I know, but my personal growth and self-esteem would soon take a hiatus and the 2 years to follow would be considered by me to be a plague of epic proportion. The plague I speak of would become to be known by all throughout the organization as “he’s such an idiot.” “He’s such an idiot” was brought into our company as a temporary solution. He was on temporary loan from a local law firm that was dying to keep our business. Unbeknownst to us, the law firm had set us ...