
Showing posts with the label grape jelly

Flowers, Snakes, Grape Jelly…It’s a Friggin Zoo…

When I was last with you, it was Thursday and now it is Wednesday.   Where did the week go?     So our weather here in Canada is still hit and miss – it’s been colder and wetter than usual and we seem to only be averaging 2 days of sunshine per week and these days usually occur during the week when I happen to be working.   Even with the poor weather, its lilac season here in the great white north.   Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers and the bonus – they grow wild all over the place, which allows me to pick bunches and bunches of them.   Unfortunately, they don’t last long but while they do, I enjoy every minute of their beautifulness.   There is a garter snake living in my flower garden.   I’m not enthused with this new resident, but I can’t seem to convince J to relocate him for me before he turns into a man eater.    So now, I’m forced to stomp, clomp and swing my shovel around like a wild woman before ...