
Showing posts with the label Death

Seize The Day...

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted and I don’t really have an excuse, except that my blogging mojo has been in hibernation. I’m still not sure that I’m fully back to where I need to be, nor are my writing skills finely tuned to perfection, but I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of something. I will apologize in advance for it’s depressing nature, but sometimes we need these reminders… Life is short, unpredictable and precious. Never take that for granted. I understand we all get consumed with our daily lives and the grind can wear us down and fog our perceptions of what is truly important. Having said that, we all need to take a step back and re-focus on what we already have in our lives and not worry about those things that are truly unimportant and bogging us down. I have been reminded of this a couple of times already today. The first is when I heard the news of the sudden passing of a co-workers wife. She was 37, went for an aft...


Yesterday I lost my hero, my mentor, my friend – my grandpa. It wasn’t expected, but being unexpected doesn’t make it any easier. A loss is a loss… Being the oldest of 25 grandchildren, I spent a lot of quality time with that man. I'm sure I was his favorite.  He was the referee of many spats and the disciplinary to many actions. He gave love freely and asked for nothing in return. He’ll be missed by me and the many others whose lives he touched with his presence in his 84 years. Miss you Grampy…xoxo

What is Life?

Life is a gift, accept it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is a mystery, unfold it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a struggle, face it. Life is beauty, praise it. Life is a puzzle, solve it. Life is opportunity, take it. Life is sorrowful, experience it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a goal, achieve it. Life is a mission, fulfill it. Author unknown In loving memory of my Mom (1949-2007)