
Showing posts with the label Time-Out

Self-Imposed Time-Out…

I don’t know about any of you with children, but when my son was little and was having a melt-down, being disrespectful or just plain out of control, we would put him in a “time-out”.   The time-out was typically done away from others, in a quiet spot, with no outside stimulation.   For us, the bottom step on our staircase worked wonders since there was nothing around, and nothing to look at except a wall.   The time-out period usually only lasted 5-10 minutes, but in extreme cases it could last longer. Today, I wish someone would put me in a time-out.   I’d happily find a secluded staircase somewhere in the building where I could refocus my energy and have a moment to myself, to readjust my attitude. I woke up from a good sleep and was ready for the day.   AND THEN…I got to work.   Duhn, duhn, duhn, dunnnnnn!    I wish I could say the rest of the day will get better, but alas – it won’t.   I have a “team” lunch meeti...

Get Off Your Bum - Take A Break...

I owe all the credit for this blog post to Chloe Carter from .   I find it fascinating how we have all become so consumed with "getting the job done", that we forget to stop and take time for ourselves and this unhealthy work habit is slowly condemning us to an unhealthy lifestyle.  I am so guilty of this...