
Showing posts with the label Mortgages

I've Developed an Addiction...

For years, J had always managed our finances and has done a good job.   With the usual exceptions of a mortgage payment, car payment and line of credit payment, we’ve managed to live relatively debt free, with money left over to go on holidays, buy toys, clothes, put money into savings, etc.   At the beginning of April, it was decided that I would start to look after our finances.   The main reason for the changing of the guard – J didn’t have the time to commit to it since he was busy with his night course.   I honestly think he grew tired of it and he grew tired of me questioning his banking methods.     So with that being said, I’ve been in charge and for better or worse - I’ve developed an addiction to analyzing, budgeting, planning, cutting back on spending and finding savings where I can.     We had a loosey-goosey budget before, but after we made it, we never really paid much attention to it.   Now, I’m an...