Treat Others As You Wish to be Treated, Else it Will Bite You…

As many of you know, I switched jobs a few months ago – in November to be exact.   After being under-utilized and bored out of my mind in my previous job, this new job is a welcomed addition…mostly.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to start ranting about how much I hate this job – at least not yet.   The position is still new, so I don’t have any real complaints – yet.   I say “yet” because we all know the world is not perfect and neither am I.  I’m being realistic - the rants will come, just not today.  

Today, I bring you an observation…

I’m generally an organized person.  I’m not OCD about it, but believe organization brings productivity and productivity brings profitability – to both the company and me.  I’m a firm believer that if you work hard, someone will notice and you may receive recognition for it.  I know this may be delusional, but nonetheless, I try hard.  I’m not an over-achiever, but I like the feeling of knowing that I’ve done a good job – even if I’m the only one that notices or cares.  I do what I do for myself.

Anyhow…I’ve noticed there are other individuals in my department that do not work hard, do not care what kind of job they do, are cynical, mean to others and basically just don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves.  They come in late, leave early and take 2 hour lunches and they complain about EVERYTHING and everyone.  These individuals have been with the company for well over 15 years and believe they are entitled to special treatment because of their tenure and overall age.  

Their boss (who is also mine) is too kind to do anything about them.  He puts up with them because it is easier and less time-consuming than addressing the problems at hand.  It’s obvious that they have no respect for authority and they flaunt their lack of concern for retribution - they use him as a doormat and he allows it.   It bugs me to no end, but it’s not my position to say anything.

What they fail to recognize is that within the next 6 months, their reporting structure will change.   Their existing boss will no longer be calling the shots, looking the other way at their extended lunches and late arrivals, signing off on vacation days they’re not entitled to and generally putting up with them being tyrants.   Nope, there’s a new man in town….and “he” happens to be me.

Imagine their surprise…or shock….or horror.  Imagine my pleasure.  Karma - it is was it is....


Raven said…
Oh girl, I can't wait to hear what happens when you're in charge! Please do share! Karma's a bitch!
Simply Suthern said…
Oh Really??? How sweet is that?

I know you'll be fair but to some that is bad news.

Big Congratulations to you!!
Brian Miller said… are about to have a little fun eh?
JennAventures said…
I CANNOT wait to read the future blog posts...
Linda said…
OhMyGosh...I know where you are coming from here..I too am an organized person, and follow slobs.

Can't wait to read you future post on this!
You Go Girl!
k said…
Yikes - they better look out!!
Beatriz said…
I see you have been getting the whip ready :) Have fun!

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