It's Hard to Be Taken Seriously While Wearing Mittens...

I’ve said it before – I hate friggin Winter and I’m not coping with it at the moment…AT ALL. 

For the last two months, in my part of Canada, we have been experiencing “lower than seasonable temperatures”.  Well, what does that mean?  Besides the obvious – I need a holiday.

Well it means that not only is it colder than usual, it also means that my hands, legs, arms and face have lost all moisture.  I itch everywhere.  My lips are chapped and my hair is brittle.  I’m a mess and sadly I don’t care what I look like when I go out in public.  Between too many clothes, boots, oversized parkas, mittens, scarves, hats and my lizard-like complexion, no one will recognize me and really if they do – I don’t care.  I’d flip them off if it wasn’t impossible to do while wearing mittens.  Somehow, the intensity of the gesture is lost when I’m standing there waving madly with my pink mittens.

Don’t get me wrong, Canada is a great place in the Spring, Summer and Fall months, but in the Winter, it sucks to be me…


Brindy said…
we had an early winter with a month of snow and -10c temperatures, but now we have an early spring starting, The snowdrops and crocuses are starting to flower and the trees have buds and there is the air that winter is finally moving on - but there is still time for a relapse - so hopefully I'm not speaking too soon. Hopefully your Spring will be just around the corner too.
Brian Miller said…
ugh...i am so ready for spring....i need so sunshine...
Simply Suthern said…
So you are all for Global Warming?
JennAventures said…
Thansk for reaffirming my decision to leave Michigan and Massachusetts and come South.
Maude Lynn said…
We're having a horrible winter here, too. If I see another freaking snowflake . . .
Raven said…
And I thought Minnesota was cold!
Beatriz said…
I will be quiet then because I'm in TX...
Anonymous said…
I know I'm in the minority, but I still love cold weather. Probably because it helps control the asthma.

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