Observations from Today…

Since Thursday of last week, the girl in the office next to mine has been complaining to everyone that the ringer on her phone is too loud and that she can’t turn it down any further.  Honestly, I can’t hear it ring, so I don’t know what she is complaining about.   I guess some people just need to fuss over the most miniscule items.

Speaking of fussing – we are expecting yet another snow storm tomorrow.  Apparently Mother Nature hasn’t forgiven me for calling her a bitch on numerous occasions and is sending another 10 inches my way.  Yeah for me!

The Boy is home from school this week.  It’s “reading week”.  Funny thing, he hasn’t read anything yet.   Perhaps, it should be called “sleeping during the day week” instead.

Speaking of The Boy.  He’s decided that when he’s done school, he’d like to move to a Caribbean island and live on the beach and he firmly believes, he doesn’t need a job to do that.   IF he manages to figure out how to become a successful beach-bum – I’ll share the secret.   Ahhh, to be young and full of dreams...  

Apparently because of the unseasonably cold winter that everyone has been experiencing this year, there is a tomato shortage and Wendy’s has stopped including them on the hamburgers to save money.   Do they plan on offering me a discount now that my burger does not include a tomato slice?  Doubtful, but I think I’ll ask...

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I’ve been liquidating stuff on eBay.  Let me say this – some eBay buyers are high maintenance.   If you are buying something used for $2.00, can you really expect a warranty?  Pain.in.my.ass. 


Raven said…
Mother Nature,

Bite me.


Ah to be young again and think that anything is possible!
Brian Miller said…
i totally want to be a beach bum so make sure you let us know...

snow...ack...ready for that to be done...
Simply Suthern said…
If everyone could live there for free then it would get crowded.
Beatriz said…

I wonder can I ask for a warranty at a garage sale too? Seriously.
k said…
I can't wait 'til he find the secret and you share it with me...I need the beach bum life!!
Epiphany said…
Ggggiiirrrll! My sister has been selling stuff on eBay and getting all of these weird people inquiring. It's like anything you have to be careful, but she loves having "extra" money in her paypal account! xoxo

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