The Joy of Christmas Cards...

With the exception of this year, I have faithfully mailed out Christmas cards to friends, family and acquaintances (both old and new). I typically take the time to hand-write a personal greeting to each and every recipient. For some odd reason, I have found this task to be therapeutic – perhaps a simple way of showing my appreciation of how much this person’s friendship has meant to me.

I never expected the card giving gesture to be reciprocated by all, but I admit that it was nice to arrive home to find a Christmas card or two in the pile of mail sitting on the kitchen counter. A card is a relatively cheap gift to give, but the warm thoughts that come with them are priceless.

I don’t know what happened to me this year and I don’t have an excuse – other than I was lazy in failing to write a single note or managing to mail even one card. I’m saddened by my lack of Christmas cheer.

In not sending these cards, I have also notice that I did not receive many either. What does that mean to me?

Well, it means that I’m disappointed in myself for failing to complete this simple task, but it also means that I’ve lost a little faith along the way.

I’ve lost faith in those that I typically send these cards to. I’ve began to wonder if the only reason I received cards in the first place was because they were sent out of guilt. “Oh crap, TDG sent us a Christmas card AGAIN. Now, we don’t have any choice but to send one to HER!”

Yep – mercy cards. That’s what it’s feeling like to me and while I don’t like the feeling, I’m more determined than ever to get back on track next year and carry on with my Christmas card giving tradition.

You may ask, “Why bother?”

The answer is simple – REVENGE and to be bothersome. If all it takes is a simple Christmas card to make someone remember my friendship, feel guilty and reciprocate the gesture, then my job is done…

Happy Holidays!!!


Anonymous said…
Haha. I've never sent a Christmas card in my life. I just used to write letters to certain people that I really liked instead. XD
Brian Miller said…
lol. we did not send cards this year either...i know it makes me a bad much going on...

merry christmas to oyu and yours!
Sylvia said…
I'm sending my Christmas card to you now. I love you. Hope your life changes for the best. Anyway, just to tell you : I haven't had time to send mine too, and with all the trouble of this English life, sometimes Christmas didn't seem Christmas to me any more. There's something I keep in my heart, though - the sense of Christmas as Jesus's birth, a sense of hope and renewal. Next year will be the year of change.
webruci said…
Just my wife told (Sylvia) we love you! I notice the same with the Christmas cards, you have if you send! for me a friendship is diferent, not makes the cards. Who likes me likes me how I am, who don't....:)
Have a Merry Christmas my friend and give us your precios writing, what is always make me smile:)
Hugs Robert.
@Gavin - I don't know where I picked up the Christmas card sending habit from. It wasn't from my mother that's for sure...

@Brian - In case it counts, I don't think you are a bad person for not sending Christmas cards because you are always there for warm words and a welcomed comments throughout the year.*smiles and Christmas hugs*

@Sylvia and Webruci - You guys mean so much to me - I LOVE you too! You are both loving, caring individuals and wish you both much luck and happiness this year and next! May next year bring you both hope and renewal and may all your wishes come true.
JennAventures said…
I didn't do them this year either. procrastination is the devil.
Mike said…
My take is that the season has not been all that inspired in most households and that a lot of people just did not send cards this year. It is probably coincidental that we all slacked!!
CrazyCris said…
I love Xmas cards, but for the past couple of years my life has felt to chaotic for me to go through the effort of sending them out. I did get a few done this year...
Rebecca S. said…
Okay, now I'm getting a bit depressed.
I finally mailed mine this morning. They will be late, but I believe in the 12 Days of Christmas, so as long as they arrive within that time, I fell okay about it. Lots of my friends and family send New Years letters.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, no matter how annoying they might be.

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