Random Tuesday Thoughts

I love online shopping for a couple of reasons (beside the obvious one that I am female). One, there is nothing more exciting than receiving a package in the mail and two, there is nothing more thrilling than knowing you avoided the hassle of the mall, it’s parking lot and the numerous crazies to get it.

Winter is officially here. It snowed this morning and on my way to work, there were cars in the ditch. Why the hell can't people figure out that snow most likely equals slippery roads.

I’m planning on taking a *cough* sick day this week. Am I sick? Not really - unless you can count being sick of your co-workers and boss an illness and if so - I’m sick as hell.

I went to see the apocalyptic epic movie 2012 on the weekend. May I suggest that you wait for it to come out on DVD and then rent it - save yourself the price of admission, popcorn and snacks – not to mention 2.5 hours of your life? Unless of course, you enjoy bad acting and over-the-top action scenes that don’t make any sense and if that so happens to be your cup of tea – enjoy!

I did see the movie trailer for Sherlock Holmes which is opening on Christmas Day. Typically anything Sherlock Holmes would bore me to tears, but there’s something about Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law that makes skipping Christmas dinner with the in-laws appealing. Hard to believe – isn’t it? Who says a Christmas feast couldn’t consist of popcorn, nachos and Jr. Mints?

The family and I went living room furniture shopping on the weekend. Believe me, this is not the type of activity to bring a family closer together. I listened to their crazy ass opinions, but in reality their opinions don’t count, BUT at least I made them feel like they did.

As always, please be sure to visit The Un Mom for plenty more randomness. In fact, you'd be surprised at how much randomness is out there on a Tuesday...


Brian Miller said…
nice randomness...i am so jealous of the snow. enjoy the sick day, smiles. and thanks for saving me from 2012...
CrazyCris said…
I am really looking forward to the new Holmes movie! I grew up scaring myself with Arthur Conan Doyle's stories, and the idea of Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law on screen together?! Delicious! :o)
Looking for a great movie, go see the Blind Side. That movie was amazing. Glad you gave me a heads up about 2012. I will wait for DVD. Enjoy your sick day!
Great blog - just found it thanks to Joshua at The Technical Parent.

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Anonymous said…
enjoy the weather..your short dose of sun will carry you far..HUGS

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