Here's What I'm Going to Do - in The New Year...

I've never prepared a New Year's Resolution List, as I've always believed that if you did so, you were destined to fail. This year, I've prepared a list of promises. Promises to myself do something better with my life.

Here is my Promise/Wish List for 2010:

~ I’m going to lose a minimum of 20 lbs. This will include eating healthier and working out more – a lot more.

~ I’m going to find a new job and get myself out of this mind-numbing, life-force sucking one. As an added bonus, this will include shortening my daily commute.

~ Instead of sitting on my ass during my lunch hour, I’m going to start going for walks around the block. This one will be challenging during the winter months because I HATE winter, but I’m going to do it nonetheless. I’ll be miserable, but I’ll do it.

~ I’m going to take more time for myself.

~ I’m going to read more. Not just e-books - real books, but not boring ones. So any suggestions would be welcomed.

~ I’m going to become a volunteer.

~ I’m going to save more and spend less.

~ I'm going to take less crap from people than I currently do now. After all, what's life without risk?

Here's to a new me in 2010! Well, not totally new...I'll still be me, but I'll be a better, healthier, well-rounded (except not in the ass) version of the old me.


Good list!

I just read Sarah's Key, which is really good. I also read a book called Blessings by Anita Shreve which I thoroughly enjoyed.

As for authors that I like, Clive Cussler has always been one of my favorites, and I also enjoy James Patterson, Luanne Rice, and Philippa Gregory. I have quite a wide range of things I like to read, so hopefully you'll find something out of there you'll enjoy. REading is such an escape for me and I hope that it will be for you, too.

And I wish you much luck on finding a new and fulfilling job. I'm in the same boat, sista.
Brian Miller said…
great list...i like the balance of more time for yourself and volunteering..both make all the difference...
k said…
Oh like FG said - I also read Sarah's Key and it is REALLY good....but I JUST finished reading "The Girl She Used To Be" and something about that book just sucked me in - I loved it...I even wrote a whole blog post about it on Monday!!
@FG - Thanks for the book tips. If you like Clive Cussler, you might like James Rollins as well. I also enjoy Robert Preston and Lincoln Child. They co-write their books, but you would never know it.

@Brian - I think volunteering will give me some "me" time.

@K13 - I'm certainly going to try Sarah Key - your post on Monday did intrigue me. I'll wait until after Christmas to purchase because I'm hoping for some Gift Certificate from Amazon.
Mara said…
Those sound like worthy goals to me -- good luck lady!
Rachel said…
I like your list, but maybe you should start a little smaller. That's a lot of things to focus on.
Mike said…
~ I’m going to read more. Not just e-books - real books, but not boring ones. So any suggestions would be welcomed.

~ I’m going to become a volunteer.

~ I’m going to save more and spend less.

@MJ - Thanks. I'll need it.

@Rachel - I like to aim high, but I'm completely realistic that I won't attain them all :)

@Otin - That's what I LOVE about you - you and I are so much alike. It's almost like we are soul mates.
Beatriz said…
Well good luck! I don't know if I want to make any resolutions for New Years, still debating it...

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