I'm Happy...

I’m happy The Boy has completed all of his college applications. Now the wait begins to see whether or not he gets accepted into his program of choice – Film Production.

I’m happy that with the college applications looming, The Boy has finally applied himself and is actually achieving good grades. I guess all he needed was some motivation and apparently the idea of getting out of my house is all the motivation he needed.

I’m happy I’m having dinner with an old co-worker tomorrow night. She really is as old as the hills…older than dirt actually…LOL!

I’m happy that after dinner tomorrow night, I’m going to see Blue Rodeo in concert. For those of my National friends, Blue Rodeo is an iconic Canadian band that isn’t actually half bad.

I’m happy I’m 75% done my Christmas shopping. I’d be happier if I was completely done and the damn gifts were wrapped.

And, the obvious one – I’m happy it’s Friday! Have a great weekend everyone...


I love Blue Rodeo, seen there several times. Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned.

I too am waiting to see some developments with my kids. One has received a new job offer and the other is searching for a co-op for his college program.

Fingers crossed.
@Respectfully Yours - My fingers are crossed for your kids. It's really hard for kids to get into the workplace, which is now super competitive because of so much unemployment.
Brian Miller said…
nice...all the happiness in the air! i hope you have a wonderful weekend!
CrazyCris said…
I'm happy I'm spending part of the weekend visiting a friend in Luxemburg!

I'm happy I saw a really funny play this evening. A kind of interactive monologue where the actress was a school teacher and we were her (primary school) class. Hilarious!

have fun in the concert!

Sylvia said…
I know that feeling. My teenager sometimes is the same. I hope your Boy does well in life and I hope he gets into the course he chose. Best of luck to you both.
Rachel said…
I haven't wrapped my presents either. I'm using newspaper this year because (a) its more environmentally conscious in my head and (b) I'm a cheap ass.
Rebecca S. said…
I saw Blue Rodeo at the Commodore Ball Room in Vancouver (a great place with a bouncy dance floor)a loooong time ago. They were so good live, I couldn't listen to their recorded music for ages afterwards. I was so close to Jim Cuddy I could almost see his tonsils when he sang! He was real cute back then, too.

I can't believe that story about the George Lucas boss. I would have walked out, too. I know it!

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