Random Tuesday Thoughts

I work for a hardware/software company whose product is supposed to make the internet experience better. Really? Because right now my internet experience sucks! Dial up internet would be a better experience than what I’m getting right now.

We have discovered that our cat has once again chewed through the electrical cord to our battery backup unit on our home computer. This is the third time it has happened, so either the cat does have nine lives or that scene in the Christmas Vacation movie is false and cats don’t parish so easily.

The Jim Carey version of The Grinch was on television last night. Am I the only person on the planet that finds that movie creepy and disturbing? If I was a child, I would have had nightmares for sure. On the note of things that freak me out – so do clowns, Tele-Tubbies, as do pretty much any member of Sesame Street and The Muppets. What is wrong with me?

We put up and decorated our Christmas Tree on the weekend. For the first time in 20+ years, J assisted in the process! Apparently miracles do happen because apart from carrying the tree up from the basement and telling me that “you missed a spot” when I’m decorating it, he actually set it up when I was out running errands. I’m still wondering what his motive is…

My MIL called last night to ask if we were coming for Christmas dinner. I don’t quite understand what she was thinking. They live 5 minutes away and we haven’t missed a Christmas dinner EVER and besides, I didn’t think skipping out on it was actually an option.

On the topic of Christmas dinner, the MIL has announced that she hasn't decided whether she will be serving turkey this year - it might actually be either goose or duck in lieu of the turkey. After hearing that, I have officially revoked my RSVP until such time as I know what's on the menu. Call me ungrateful, but I refuse to eat anything that has been shot by my redneck brother-in-law. The last time I did, I nearly broke a tooth on the pellets remaining in the carcass.

As always, please be sure to visit The Un Mom for more Tuesday Randomness.


You crack me up. The pellets in the bird that your redneck brother-in-law shot comment = PRICELESS.

And I think your husband must have a motive for helping...maybe he wants a piece.......
@FG - HAHA HAHA - you KNOW my husband too well!
Cajoh said…
Don't worry about the check-up call. We typically have a Christmas brunch, but we are now unsure if the kids want to have their own Christmas morning and not have to go to our house for Christmas. So… we usually check just to make sure they are coming. Don't want to think that they are and find out that they didn't.

Thanks for your randomness,
JennAventures said…
My little bundle of joy (ARI-stump cat) has chewed threw 9 (count them, N-I-N-E) phone chargers. I really don't know what the draw is. But it infuriates me to no end.
Brian Miller said…
yikes! pellets in the carcass...cat eating power back up, really must have nine lives...and jim carey is creapy as the grinch...
annies home said…
I married into a hunting family and was not sure how to take it the first time I bit into a shot
Beatriz said…
My Mom hates the Jim Carrey, she thinks he is so annoying! I don't like that movie either, I don't think I'll like his Christmas Carol movie either. It's a classic do you really need to make it into a 3D movie? Some people take the whole technology thing way too far :|

One thing I can't believe is that you don't like The Muppets! I loved them growing up :) My fave show to watch as a kid, that and 3's Company. My friends ask what was funny about J. Ritter but his slap stick comedy spanned all ages in my opinion :) Favorite character - Animal :)

Hope you had a good day
Mara said…
I agree that the Grinch with Carey is creepy. Dr. Suess must have rolled over in his grave when that came out...

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