Canadian Fashion Attire...

So, in response to the question - what is a toque?  Here is a repost I had done awhile back about Canadian fashion attire...enjoy the beauty of it all....(jealous aren't you?)

There is no escaping the crap that is a Canadian winter and there is no denying the fact that – I am a terrible Canadian. I detest winter so much that I daydream that the Canadian government would realize how terrible of a Canadian I actually am, kick me out of the country, ban me for life from watching hockey and revoke my god-given right to wear a toque or a dickey for the rest of my life.

For those not familiar with Canadianisms a toque is a hat, which is most likely made of wool, knitted in a hideous pattern and colors and perhaps with a baseball size tassel adorning the top. These wonderful items are worn with pride, pulled down as far as possible, to cover your ears and most of your eyebrows, essentially hiding the identity of the wearer. In honesty, there is no pride in wearing this item; they are actually a cold weather necessity, which doubles as a disguise.

A dickey is a turtle-neck sweater without the sweater – just the neck and about an inch or two of fabric surrounding the base of the neck. I think the dickey originated on Christmas Eve and legend has it that the inventor of the dickey was an elderly grandma, too drunk on Christmas cheer to finish the wonderful turtle neck sweater she had set out to knit in time for gifting on Christmas morning.

The rest is fashion history; although fashion is not an essential part of a Canadian winter – survival is and if you want to survive, you better adorn these Canadian essentials.

Today, I have lost my survival instincts and my mind starts to wander to warmer climates and my next possible vacation destination.


Maude Lynn said…
I would never make it.

My word verification is "urgly."
k said…
We had a lot of those hats in Michigan too...but I guess being 30 minutes from Windsor is close enough to Canada to warrant their use.

Stay warm!!! Come visit may be chilly, but it's like a sauna compared to your Canada weather.
@Mama Zen - I barely make it myself. Your verification word was perfect - furgly would have been more like it..

@K13 - Oh, you so understand where I'm coming from hailing from Michigan. I'd love to come for a visit - road trip!!!
k said…
You have an open invitation...
@K13 - Sames goes for you - come for a visit to Canada and then we could take a road trip to see FG.
sas said…
i like the look of your dickey. we are off to scotland for xmas - that would be perfect!
Brian Miller said…
nice. if i ever make it north to visit i will fit in now...snow on its way to me tomorrow...yay!
Mara said…
So people really DO wear least in Canada.
@SAS - A dickey is perfect anywhere there is cold weather.

@Brian - Rest assured, you will fit right in. Ummm, the bigger the balls (on your hat), the better.

@MJ - Not this person, but YES, YES, they do...sadly...
Anonymous said…
Ew...well ok..the hat wouldn't be too bad if the pattern was a nice one and colors matched. XD But as for that other thing...forget it...I'd rather freeze. I cannot stand anything around my neck like that.
Gasp! I'm already over old man winter and we've had about 2 days where it was below freezing(32-I'm in Texas). It's 55 right now, and my nose is about to fall off. A dickey?I couldn't do it. Hate the name. I too dream of warmer climates. Hawaii-- 87 degrees year round. Perfect. I wouldn't have to revolve my winter and summer clothing.
Rachel said…
The hat thing: we call those "toboggans" in Alabama.

Boo cold!
Sylvia said…
Those are fantastic! Just a secret: I feel like you - just hoping for someone to give us a big kick back to the portuguese sunshine. Why do they love us soi much that they don't want to let go? (Laughing)
As a fellow Canadian, I am with you. So, I am escaping to Florida for Christmas this year and I am taking my Canadian family with me. LOL - so I am truly a bad Canadian. By the way, we also sell one glove here attached to a window scraper...go figure eh!
Mike said…
Must suck to have to where a turtleneck without the rest of it! I would feel like I was putting on football gear.

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