Spring Forward...

By March, signs of Spring have usually begun to make their appearance – warming temperatures, melting snow, longer days and more sunshine.  Such is not the case this year – winter is not letting go.  Unless you can count the Canada geese that are honking outside my office window and the smell of skunk in the air – those are the only signs that Spring may be in our future.
We have now officially had almost 5 months of below freezing temperatures. No joke!  I plan on burning all of my winter sweaters when Spring finally arrives.  Yes, I know I’ll need them next year, but I’ll worry about that then.  They are gone!  No joke there either.  I hate them sooo much.
I’ve packed on enough pounds this winter to easily get me through the next 3 winters.  I don’t even care. The last thing I’m thinking about is exercising or salads.  Comfort foods are the only things on my mind.  I’ll worry about weight loss in the Spring.  I’m only concerned about self-preservation at the moment.
On the plus side (not talking of my hips now), because it is too cold to leave our house on weekends, we are getting lots of stuff done around the house.  J has been busy patching drywall and repainting rooms.  The infamous spare room is still not complete – it still needs carpet, closet doors and baseboard.  That too will have to wait until Spring.  Right now my suitcases are in there - packed and patiently waiting for our escape to “south of zero” in 2 weeks. 
Spring is certainly not coming soon enough.  Neither are my holidays.  It’s sad how I wish my life away – at least the winter portion of it.  I suppose the saying is true “good things come to those who wait”.


Beatriz said…
I have heard less geese these past few days, I guess they've been busy crapping elsewhere. I hate those things.

Well I hope it warms up soon for you!
Brian Miller said…
ha. self preservation is a good thing...yeesh..i wont complain about the cold...that is frigid....
Brindy said…
I feel for you. We visited in Calgary several years ago in February as we were considering a move to Canada. After 24 hours of 3 feet deep snow and freezing temperatures, we knew it wasn't for us. I hope Spring arrives soon.

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