I Want Wednesdays...

First, my apologies.  I had prepared this post last week, but something wonky happened with Blogger (or it might of been me) and it was inadvertently removed, so I've posted it again.  It's not a great post, but I've got nothing else for you today, so here it is...

Apart from the usual - losing weight, winning the lottery, finding a bag full of cash or inheriting some cash, it’s been awhile since I’ve wanted anything of substance (lunch doesn’t count). 
Having said that, I bring you my latest edition of wants:
Lortone Rock Tumbler  
Yes a rock tumbler.  Once you stop laughing, I’ll explain why.  I’ve always be one to pick up rocks, shells and beach glass when out and about.  I have jars and jars filled with what my husband calls junk, but I prefer to call “treasurers”.  Anyhow, now that I’ve started to make jewelry (more to come on that in a future post), I have discovered that a rock tumbler will give my treasurers a more finished appearance – perfect for jewelry making. 

Dremel 4000 High Performance Rotary Tool
Why you ask?  Why not?  It will become a great accessory to my Rock Tumbler.  Enough said.
Coach Bag
I found this bag while visiting San Juan and I fell in love.  This photo is taken from a knock off website because Coach won’t allow you to poach their photos (BTW - neither does Rolex).  Enough of that rant - I will never own it, but a girl can dream…
P.S. It would fit my tools...

World Peace
Perhaps if I don't appear so selfish and materialistic, my wish for wealth will be granted...


Brian Miller said…
interesting on the rock tumbler...it inspires the kid in me.
Brindy said…
I have a friend that has started making her own jewellery but from shop bought stones, bits & bobs, how great to make some from items found at the beach.I think this is definitely a gadget worth having. I'm all for gadgets!
Brenda said…
I love the idea of this post! I want Wednesday's! I just might steal this idea. I found your blog from Rachel (eating crow pie). Have a great day!

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