My Happy Place...

It's snowing here in my part of Canada today.  Actually it's flurrying.  Regardless what you call it - it sucks.  So with that being said, I'm going to my happy place...


Miss Angie said…
I want a little piece of beach at my desk. :)
Miss Footloose said…
Beach below your desk, and a little Zen garden to play with on top of the desk and you've got it all for mind and body.
Mike said…
The nap part of the picture looks like a happy place to me!
Rebecca S. said…
Arctic winds and hail here today. I suppose your happy place is easily accessible in your mind since you just returned recently from some tropical paradise? I have to reach a little further for mine. Have a good weekend!
Brian Miller said…
thats so crazy it snowed....
Sarah said…
If only that worked - sticking your foot in the sand.

Hope it stops snowing quick! It isn't unheard of for us to get snow in April too so I am holding my breath we don't get anymore til next winter!

Have a great weekend!
JW.BW said…
Can I come to your happy place too?? it looks nice

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