It's Friday - Let The Happiness Begin...

Enjoy the happiness of today because soon Monday will be upon us and I’ll be back to my cranky self.
  • I’m happy it’s finally Friday.  This has been a painfully slow week, so it’s nice to know that in a mere 7.5 hours, the weekend will be upon me.
  • I’m happy that my husband writes his exam tonight.  Finally, he will be able to stop complaining about the course and I can stop nagging him to turn off the television and study for it.  I’m also happy he’s not planning on taking another one until September.
  • I’m happy that we have free muffins and yogurt at work today.  Free food always makes me happy.
  • I’m happy that we are going to Toronto tomorrow.  We are taking our son to his college open house and then we are taking me shopping.
  • I’m happy that I’m helping my friend instruct a scuba course on Sunday.  When scuba lessons start up again, it means Spring is finally here.   The downside – I have to squeeze my ass into a wetsuit after a long bountiful winter.
  • I’m happy that it’s my MIL’s birthday on Sunday and for her gift, she has asked for one of the jewelry pieces I made.  That’s flattering…or perhaps it’s a request made out of pity. 
  • I’m happy that my Etsy shop is almost ready to go “live”, so stay tuned for updates and a celebratory giveaway to kick things off.
So tell me, are you happy?


Brian Miller said…
so where do i get the free muffins and yogurt? smiles. happy friday.
JennAventures said…
I am happy today, I have a to do list a mile long-but I'm jamming to good tunes, wasting away time on my blogs, wishing I was going to Toronto, and planning some fun things to do this weekend.

Its good to be happy.
Raven said…
Free food is always good!

Having things to be happy about is always good.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Beatriz said…
I am happy! I don't know why but I am. I'm good with that :D

Have fun shopping and can't wait to see your Etsy Shop :)
I am happy my MIL is here for the weekend, so I can sleep in, guilt-free. Ahhhhh!
k said…
Sounds like a great weekend!! How did I not know about your Etsy shop? I can't wait to see it!!

I'd be a lot happier if I didn't have to write a 5-6 page paper for school...but it IS the last assignment, so that's good.

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