What Does a Trillion Dollars Look Like?

Thanks to Little Lady Big Apple, I have been educated in economics and the value of a dollar. Well, maybe not the value of a dollar, but what stacks of money would would look like if you were one of the lucky ones and happened to stumble upon some along side of the road.

In case you have ever wondered what a trillion dollars looks like - take a look here. Good thing, I have no need for a trillion dollars since I wouldn't have any place to keep it.


f8hasit said…
I tell you what. If yoiu need help storing a trillion dollars, I'd be happy to help you out. Fact is, I bet I could find alot of people that would help you out...

Good visual.
I'd be happy with a bundle of $50's
Brian Miller said…
i would settle for a palet load and i have just the place to put it. i think f8hasit has a point there...i mean what are friends for...lol.
JW.BW said…
HOLY CRAP!!! That would make one hell of a hedge maze!!! What a cool article.
Sylvia said…
To be funny, they should make it like the Uncle Scrooge - in coins.
Anonymous said…
Whoa 0.o that's quite the visual there. I'm sure I could find a place for it somewhere even if I had to buried it in tin cans in the backyard. XD

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