Observations from the Sex Show...

I’m an adventurous, open-minded person and I’m certainly not a prude when it comes to topics of a sexual nature, so with my open-mind and without any pre-conceived notions, I attended the “Everything To Do With Sex Show” this past weekend. There were many “different” exhibitors, both respectable and some not so much – you could purchase everything from satin sheet sets, clothing, shoes, lotions, bondage paraphernalia, remote control toys and jewelry. It was one-stop shopping for those “naughty” ones on your Christmas list…

Here are some of my observations from the show:

  • The show had a mascot. I think it was meant to be a giant sized sperm, but it looked more like a squished marshmallow. He wandered around the show handing out condoms. I respectfully declined his offer for a “freebie”.
  • There were a number of Fabio look-a-likes / wanna-a-bees trying to sell their wares. One in particular made custom t-shirts and wore one that said “Let me be your plumber”. His “ick” factor was right off the charts. *eewww*
  • I was surprised at the age range of attendees. I don’t think I’ll look at my grandparents the same way anymore.
  • No one makes eye contact at these types of events. Perhaps it’s the fear of being recognized by a co-worker or worse - your boss.
  • In one particular “toy” booth, they had a Discontinued-50% Off Rack. Hmmm, I didn’t think those things went out of style and even so, somehow buying from that rack seemed “cheap” in so many ways. The same booth also featured an “Ikea” line and just like the furniture, I couldn’t pronounce the names, nor could I figure out what they were supposed to do.
  • A couple of booths offered various types of lotions, powders, perfumes, bath oils and in order to “try before you buy”, they provided tester bottles of various “lotions” – just like the cosmetic booth at Sears. If the thought of experimenting at Sears creeps you out, imagine what this place would do. Once again, I declined the “freebie” offer.
  • There were also a couple of tattoo artists, body art painting, pole dancing seminars and a “dungeon” area. I’m not sure what was in the dungeon area and as adventurous as I am, I wasn’t prepared to find out.

All in all, it was kind of like a car show, but without the cars and a whole lot more batteries…


JW.BW said…
OMG!! Thats too funny!! I bet noone in your office did anything HALF as interesting as you did this weekend!! Hahahaha.. Great way to spend a saturday.
Brian Miller said…
lol, what better way to spend an afternoon...yeah. lol. the eye contact may be to keep from the glare of the blushing...
Beatriz said…
LOL! Now that is a weekend to blog about :D

I'd be scared of the dungeon too.
k said…
Wow - that was a wild weekend!! I bet it was a heck of a place for people watching.
f8hasit said…
That's hysterical!
But WHERE darling, are the photos!
I want to see the smushed marshmellow sperm!
Bobby Allan said…
I'm with Nancy. Where are the photos? Hysterical!
CrazyCris said…
Here in Belgium people sometimes get together and host "Upperware" parties (I think that's what they're called)

Basically someone comes with a series of this kind of stuff (lotions, gadgets, accessories), explains how they work and then people buy them (or not). Is rather popular for bachelorette parties... :p

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