Random Tuesday Thoughts

Why are people more irritating first thing in the morning than they are after lunch?
My route to work has a lot of ongoing road constructions/pavement resurfacing happening at the moment and in order to ensure the safety of the construction crews, the have set up a series of traffic cones dividing the workers from the oncoming traffic. It's not like the cones are really going to stop a speeding vehicle, but whatever. One day, I’m going to snap, step on the gas and run my car into those things, knocking them all over. The cones – not the workers.
Why did Continental Airlines send me an e-mail advising me of a change in my upcoming departure time? It was meant to be 5:35 p.m. and now it’s 5:36 p.m. One minute. Seriously?
I’ve been asked to manage a new project at work. What they haven’t considered is the fact that I’m not a financial expert or marketing guru, both of which the project requires. Without drawing attention to myself, how do I say, “Have you actually looked at my resume? In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not actually qualified to do that job.”
I have a relative who hasn’t bothered to speak to me in almost 3 years and suddenly, she has sent me 3 e-mails in 3 days asking that I complete her wills for her. What my family fails to recognize is that I don’t know the first thing about estate law, criminal law, tax law or divorce law. They hear that I work in a legal department and assume the word “legal” = free legal advice on whatever they need. In order to make them go away, I usually just make something up. I know it’s dishonest, but remember - you get what you pay for.
I joined Facebook a couple of years ago – pretty much just to stalk people, which in some cases has either made me feel really good about my life or in some cases has solidified my belief that I could being doing more with it. Lately, Facebook makes me want to gouge my eyes out. I can’t believe some of the updates people provide – if it’s awkward for me, shouldn’t it be embarrassing for them? Not to mention, I don’t really care about your status in Mafia Wars and Farmville. I’ve got better things to do with my life – like blogging.
As always, stop by and visit The Un Mom for plenty more Tuesday Randomness.
Have a great RT!
nyway, you are such an intelligent girl, who doesn't give 118% nor 103% and your boss expects more from you. I'm joking. Cheer up. And tell them "I won't do it, because..."
so i have this court date coming up...lol, jst kidding.
facebook, i rarely go on there any more...and twitter is started to fall into that same category.
visiting via RTT
I've often wanted to do that. XD
Ugh. I hate FB. And MS. Any of those site really. Highly annoying and have little to no use. I'd rather email a friend or heres a novel idea...try calling them. It's more personal that way.
I hate when relatives contact you after a long time and then ask you,"Where have you been?"
Facebook is ridiculous!!!!!