Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers...

We are now offering a blue light special on "vessels to the afterlife" in Aisle 7, but don't delay or you may be disappointed. With deals this good, your time might just run out...

Seriously folks, Wal-Mart in wanting to cash in on the business of death has now started selling caskets online at prices that undercut funeral homes.

Now I'm all for saving a few dollars, but I could not for the life of me (no pun intended), purchase a casket online from a discount retailer. It just seems wrong.

Just a special note to my husband: if you even think of purchasing one of these special models, I WILL come back to haunt you and I'll be bringing my mother with me.


Beatriz said…
Where do you store it once you purchase? Do they charge extra if it's a last minute death? Oh I'm sorry you want this expedited because you didn't know you were going to die today? Well that is an express fee of $XXX. I wonder, do you get an early worm discount? No pun there ;P
Brian Miller said…
yeah i know we dont have the color you wanted but its 40% off...ah, she's dead, she'll never
Anonymous said…
XD That's kinda lame IMO. Interesting idea but seriously?
JW.BW said…
I sure hope my husband doesnt find out about this.. Or IM SCREWED!! hes always looking for ways to save a buck.
Bobby Allan said…
Do you think they have layaway?

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