Random Thoughts - Racoons and Asses...

Three months from today is Christmas. By this time on Christmas Day, the turkey will be in the oven, the presents will have been opened and I will be well on my way to a rum and egg nog buzz. Ahhh – good times….

There were seven roadkill raccoons along my commute route this morning. Seven seems like an unusually high number - perhaps there was some sort of mass raccoon suicide plot I wasn’t aware of. At least it wasn’t the skunks.

My dreams of running a marathon have been cut short – I’ve been sidelined with by a pre-existing injury. As far as the running coaches know, they are at fault - by making me run like a lunatic and not letting me stop for a rest (while enjoying a strawberry shake at Burger King).

I was so inspired by Chrissy’s Boob Envy post that I thought I would share a secret with you – I love my ass(es). Best described as cute, perky and soft to the touch and while probably a little larger than average, I’m satisfied with the appearance and would invite you to take a look.

I told you – CUTE. Right?


CrazyCris said…
indeed! you must have had many fans running behind you gazing in admiration as you ran! ;o)
JW.BW said…
Sure good thing it wasnt skunk suicides!!! that would have been hell!!

My Syd's best friend is an ass, a really furry one at that.
Mara said…
I love your ass(es) too!
Beatriz said…
Cute ass! ;D have a good day
Brian Miller said…
lol. i imagine your number of hits will be going through the roof today. cute indeed.

our suicide pact has been the skunks...everywhere...
Mike said…
My dreams of running a marathon ended when someone said,"Hey, do you want to run a marathon?"lol

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