Twinkies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Doritos...

And so it has begun…

As you may recall, I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions this year because I didn’t want to disappoint myself. Instead, I foolishly made myself a few promises. WTH was I thinking? Obviously, I wasn’t…

Now that 2010 has busted down the door and is standing before me like an unwelcomed house guest, I’ve realized there isn’t any difference between a resolution and a promise – it’s all crap and now I’m left to salvage my dignity and carry on with these promises to do something better with my life…or at least until my loved ones beg me to stop the nonsense and “eat a effin Twinkie already”.

Yes, my quest to lose 20 lbs started today and I’ve realized something about myself – I think about food A LOT. How the hell am I going to make it? It’s only mid afternoon on Day 1 and I’m already contemplating cheating.

I’ve also been rationalizing the need to NOT exercise this evening. In my mind, not eating anything of “value” today should constitute a “day pass” in order to skip the exercise regime tonight. You see my methodology right? It’s a vicious circle…


Anonymous said…
One that goes 'round and 'round and 'round til you're just like to hell with it all and just go back to your normal routine til next year. XD But I do wish you the best of luck with that. (;
@Gavin - Thanks! IF I can get through the first week, I should be okay but right now I think I'm just going through carb withdrawal AND I'm bored to tears at work, so that doesn't help me either. XD
Brian Miller said…
good luck with the weight loss...drinking water changed a lot for me...and watching the things in your title...
Joshua said…
I'm in on this, too. I gained 40 pounds last year; my own fault for various reasons or another. But the quest to lose it again and get in a fit shape started January 1. I actually started a secondary blog to document this (for myself really) and to add a few little interesting tidbits about fitness, exercise, and all that stuff.

Here it is:

Beatriz said…
I'm with you, I so need to work on the size of my buttocks :)

And yes "The Hangover" is the funniest movie ever! I loved it too!

Have a great day!
Mike said…
Find something to munch on that really has no calories, like a can of green beens, or some light popcorn. Also drink a lot of water or flavored water, it will keep your stomach full.
Rachel said…
I'm with you on the exercising thing. Even though our gym is less than a block from our little apartment, I'm not walking over there! Its too cold! That's my rationale.
JennAventures said…
As a weight loss junkie, I can finally over up something of value. Starting both a diet and reginine simultaneously will result in quitting, you are better off beginning one and incorporating the second 2-4 weeks later.
k said…
I'm with ya on the exercise. Sometimes I'm just not feeling tonight for example...besides it cuts into my sewing time. WTH?!?!?

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