Some Bridges Need to Be Burned...

It’s been a crazy day so far.

I’m actually busy with work today, but let’s not get too excited - it’s with crappy stuff that the HR Department is too inept to do themselves.

Yes, I KNOW that I don’t work in the HR Department; but let me remind you, the HR Department is dumber than a bag of hammers and hasn’t bothered to consult the corporate organization chart on that one. SOOOO, here I am…surrounded by a haze of moronic bliss…

Don’t despair though because VERY SOON, I will be thanking Baby Jesus for answering my prayers. In a mere 2 days, 2 hours and 50 minutes (give or take), the head tool will be exiting the building for the very last time. Let’s hope, my foot doesn’t actually hit her in the ass on the way out.

Having said that, I need to keep in mind that one must NEVER burn bridges - although I suspect HELL may actually freeze over before I would work in the same company as her again.

Harsh? Perhaps.

Realistic? Absolutely.


Joshua said…
Just be careful; you might run into that boss in a similar way that JennyMac did (Let's Have a Cocktail...)
f8hasit said…
Congratulations on the countdown!

And I agree with Joshua! I read that today too!
Sarah said…
Luckily I don't have anyone I feel that way about at work right now although my boss is not my favorite. Glad you will get relief from her soon!

And I love that post from Monday too! That is exactly how I feel every Monday!
Brian Miller said…
life has a funny way of coming back around though...
Mike said…
Nice to see someone you despise leave! Until they come back six months later with a worse attitude than before!
淑琴 said…
I love readding, and thanks for your artical.........................................
JennAventures said…
ding dong the witch is dead!
Maude Lynn said…
Ah, the temptation to strike a match! I know it well.
Rebecca S. said…
Is that the '7 pound, 8 ounce Baby Jesus' from Talledega Nights? you're thanking?

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