Photos by Me....Yes, Me!

As you may know, I'm not typically the photographer in our family. I usually leave the photo taking to J; however on our trip to Bonaire in November, I decided to pick up his spare camera and give it a try, which at first he wasn't willing to share. I was able to persuade him to change his mind - eventually. It might of had something to do with my non-stop whining, but whatever...

Here are a couple of my shots...

Kite Surfer

Coral Beach

I'm pretty happy with how these turned out, so you never know - I might just make it a hobby. Although I still need to rely on J to get them from the camera to the computer. Yeah, I'm challenged that way, but honestly I prefer to call it disinterested...


Anonymous said…
Oohh those are really good. I'm jealous. lol I've always wished that I could take pictures like that. Nice job. (:
Sarah said…
Those are both great! I am not a great photographer but have taken a few decent pictures here and there. We have a nice camera but I don't know a lot of the 'rules' to get pics to turn out great and artsy looking.

Oh an by the way, I find your perspective on life and your honesty refreshing. I have been reading your blog for a little while and love your work stories. You are very entertaining and great at writing! :)
Nice pics. Hopefully you will post more. Happy Sunday!
Brian Miller said…
very nicely done. the first one is amazing and i love the texture in the second...
CrazyCris said…
I love the kite surfer, gorgeous shot! Be careful, photography can be quite addictive! Next thing you know you'll be wondering what to do with all those files on your computer... ;o)

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