Surf's Up...

It’s that time again…What now? You may ask...

I’ve planned yet another holiday. For those of you that have been following for sometime; you know that I LOVE to travel. For those that are new, let me tell you – I LOVE to travel. It's not something I take lightly. I need holidays. They are what I live for and most definitely the reason why I work at a sucky job.

Now before you start thinking “boy, does she ever have a lot of vacation time”, let me explain - I don’t. I get 3 weeks vacation per year and I usually reserve 2 of these weeks for actual vacations – one in the Fall, one in the Spring. The remaining week is used up on things like annual visits to the doctor, dentist, optometrist or just because “I feel like being a slacker day”. Ummm, on second thought, I tend to call in sick on those days I feel like slacking it because let’s be honest, I don’t tend to plan ahead…

Another misconception that I would like to clear up is that “boy, she must be super rich to be able to jet set like she does”. Ummm, not even close. The key for me is “lack of wealth management” - I save as much as I can, do some odd freelance work for some extra cash and maybe even sell the odd unwanted item on eBay. I also travel on a mid-range budget; meaning I won’t sleep in a roach motel, but I certainly don’t stay at the Marriott and when I can, I travel off the beaten path, as far away as the tourist traps as possible.

So, with that being said, I present my next vacation destination (in a mere two months)…

The Surfing Capital of the Caribbean - Rincon, Puerto Rico

And yes, I plan on testing out my balance and I’m going to give surfing a try. I can almost guarantee that I won't look anything like the guy in the photo, but a girl can dream...(about the guy in the photo at least)...


CrazyCris said…
yum! there's something to dream about tonight! :p

Only 3 weeks of vacation a year?! Lord I love Europe!!! I believe the minimum here legally is 4 weeks...

I suppose you'll plan on spending some time under the water as well as on top of it, right? ;o)
@CrazyCris - Legally in Canada, we only get two weeks, but most employers give an extra week. Yes, I will try to get under at some point, unless the views on the beach are like the ones in the photo. LOL!
Brian Miller said…
right now i get none...unless i want to tak off without! need a full time gig again soon!

that loks awesome! i always wanted to give surfing a try. fun!
@ Brian - OUCH! No holidays? I would die...a slow...painful death...
Marie said…
You can do it! You're a canadian chick, we are stronger and more determined. Do try the surfing, but do it with a lesson (try to find a female coach) on a nice big softop longboard. Make sure you wear a rashy and board shorts, it'll save you a lot of pain! And when you are standing on that board for the first time you'll forget all about other people's jealousies!
Have fun!!!
@ Marie - Thanks for the encouragement. I do plan on taking a lesson first - I'm brave, but not stupid.
Woooo hoo, good for you. Looks like a blast...can't wait to hear all about the planning.
Sarah said…
That sounds amazing! We haven't been on a vacation in over two years. We live in Nebraska (about as boring as you can get) and the last trip we took was to Napa Valley and San Francisco in California. We loved it and really want to go back! We too have to travel on a budget and our Napa trip was actually pretty cheap (unless you factor in all the wine we bought - hehe). Anyway, we did go on a cruise for our honeymoon 5 years ago and I am dying to go someplace warm, sunny and tropical again! I am jealous! This makes me want to start planning our next trip - even if it is two years away! :) Oh and I would love to try surfing too!

We don't get a guarantee on vacation here in the US, but most employers give 2-3 weeks the first year. I think mine is about 2.5 weeks but I end up using the time when I calling in sick. I need to save it up!
f8hasit said…
I've been lurking all the vacation websites of late. I think I need myself a little warm weather repreeve as well!

Surfing? No. Although it loks fab. I'll be the one on the beach with the fattening pina colada...
JennAventures said…
I only get 10 vacation days per year. Boo!

You get the heck outta Canada and go wherever your little heart desires.

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