I Want Wednesday...

Can someone please explain to me why – when it’s still the middle of winter IN Canada, I cannot find a single sweater in the stores?

Just a few short weeks ago, there were racks of them everywhere and now, they’ve suddenly disappeared and have been replaced with racks and racks of swimsuits, tank tops and shorts. WTH? Last time I checked, it wasn’t fashionable to wear a bikini IN January, IN Canada, but then again maybe I’m just being prudish.

So, with that being said, I want some sweaters…

This one would be nice. It's on the conservative side, but nice for the office...

(Photo Courtesy of Mount Cashmere)

Red is not necessarily my color, but I'd settle for this one...

(Photo Courtesy of Mount Cashmere)

OR this one...
(Photo Courtesy of Mount Cashmere)

(Photo Courtesy of Nice Kicks)


Brian Miller said…
lol. love the batman hoodie! i would totaly rock that one as well! the others are nice as well. smiles.
Anonymous said…
:D I love Batman. XD I've always wondered why stores will change their clothing like that though. Not a good business move I'd think but whatever trips your trigger I guess.
Beatriz said…
I'd go with the Batman, it's way nicer ;D

All that summer stuff is just an advertising gimmick, getting you ready for global warming and stuff ;) That way when Canada is as warm as Florida you wont' be wearing sweaters or looking for them!

No seriously I agree with you, retailers are ridiculous sometimes! OK most of the time.
JennAventures said…
The Batcave needs the batman hoodie. Shame its not work appropriate.
Rachel said…
I like the red ones, but grey I love!
Sarah said…
Haha - that is awesome! Batman rules!
But I know what you mean about the sweaters. Our stores already have swimsuits too, but they claim it is 'swim 2010 preview'. Whatever. :)

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