Karma Has Befriended Me...

For those of you that have been following my many rants regarding my co-workers, I have a bit of great news to share with everyone. The Director of HR (who lacks direction, work ethic and common sense), the same one that just a short few weeks ago was promoted to Associate Vice President has decided to leave the company “to take on a new role where she can focus her full attention on one of her key passions – Organization Development”. Except for the fact that she is leaving, I’m not sure what that that actually means, but then again – I don’t really care.

Karma came back and bit Corporate Management in the ass on this one. Had they consulted with me in the first place, I could have told them they were making a HUGE mistake. I have insight and foresight that they lack, but why won’t anyone listen to me? Oh wait, I’m not a member of the Corporate Management Team and couldn’t possibly have a clue…

Instead, they insisted on promoting this tool, issued a press release and then within weeks, she quits. It’s such a beautiful thing…and at the moment, I couldn’t be happier.

Ding Dong, the Witch will be gone…


Brian Miller said…
smiles. keeps you warm on a cold day to be right. lol.
Unknown said…
Lucky...Karma has never been my friend.
Anonymous said…
I don't believe in Karma. XD But congrats to you.
Beatriz said…
That's the way it always goes. The idiots get promoted and leave. What a great way to start your week :)
Rachel said…
I think we work for the same company.

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