I've Been A Lazy Ass, Couch Potato...

And it's been AWESOME!

For the past week, give or take a few days last week when I had to go to work and minus the "John Wayne Marathon" J insisted on watching, I've had the pleasure of doing a whole lot of nothing, except napping and catching up on some movie watching. I can honestly say, my chair has a whole new butt groove than wasn't there a week ago. The groove may or may not have something to do with my ass and it's added junk in the trunk that has been acquired during the holiday season, but I digress...

Here is a sampling (in no particular order)...

  • The Hangover - OMG! This is the funniest movie I have watched in a long time (or perhaps ever). It's certainly not rated "E" for everyone and I think I may have learned a few new swear words along the way...
  • Up - I can watch pretty much any animated movie and be entertained. I won't go into details, but during the first 5 minutes I was about to give up on it because it was so sad. In my opinion, an animated movie SHOULD NOT bring you to tears...
  • Knowing - This one starred Nicolas Cage and certainly wasn't an Oscar contender (not that any of his movies are), but he entertains me nonetheless. This one had an interesting spin to it and could of been a good movie if it wasn't for the hokey ending.
  • Confessions of a Shopaholic - I never thought I would admit this in public, but I actually read the series and they were better.
  • The Proposal - What can I say? I love Sandra Bullock (yes, perhaps in that kind of way) and Betty White (no, NOT in that kind of way) steals the show. Ryan Reynolds is cute, but certainly not as cute as Sandra Bullock.
  • Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian - It wasn't as good as the first, but I was entertained for a couple of hours.
  • Star Trek - I'm NOT a trekkie, but didn't need to be since in explained everything that I needed to know.
I know there were more, but I can't for the life of me recall them - perhaps it's because I've been sitting on my ass for so long, my brain has turned to mush (kind of like my ass)... Thank goodness, I didn't make a resolution to do anything about it or I'd be feeling pretty guilty...


fez said…
Hi Dive Girl. Thanks for your comment on my post. Spending your holidays watching movies is quite okay though. I spent mine by sitting in front of my PC, surfing randomly..seeking info.. bla.. bla.. it's boring though. Got nothing else to do other than this.
Anonymous said…
Omg I know...like I almost cried watching the first few minutes of Up. I was like wth? I thought this was supposed to a happy movie. I liked Star Trek though even though I didn't know much about the originals.
Brian Miller said…
nice. its great to have those times of nothingness...have seen most of these...knowing, eh? star trek, love. proposal, fun. up, ok. hope you have a great new year!
Sylvia said…
I must be really out of date, now I haven't seen any. Excellent holidays... Better than mine for sure! My couch has a hole too... My son's bumbum in there! :)
Unknown said…
I was lazy all weekend and loved it. Also...

The Hangover - AMAZING
Confessions of a Shopaholic - I'm with you, I read the books a while ago and felt dumb as a bag of hammers watching the movie.
The Proposal - God I love Ryan Reynolds. Good flick.
Star Trek - Loved. And I'm definitely not a trekkie.

Good movies.
Judge Fudge said…
Isn't it great? I just wish I didn't have to get back to reality tomorrow! I missed the John Wayne marathon, but I made sure I watched plenty of the Three Stooges marathon on AMC.
k said…
I STILL need to see The Hangover and while I loved UP, I agree that the first 5 minutes were crazy sad and not fitting for animation!

Confessions of a Shopaholic - the movie must have REALLY sucked because the books were crap! (in my worthless opinion anyway)
Maude Lynn said…
I watched Public Enemies. It wasn't nearly as good as it should have been!
Rachel said…
Hey, hey, hey! Lay off the John Wayne--I love him!

The only one I've seen off your list was The Proposal. Hilarious! "To the windowwwwwww! To the wall!"
raydenzel1 said…
I watched Hangover with my two older daughters. At first I was reluctant, saying I didn't want to watch a movie about things that I used to do, and thought I forgot about. Well, except for Mike Tyson, a tiger, and misplacing a groom, yep, sigh, did that!

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