Look Out! She’s Going for the Razor Blades…

Can someone please tell me why razor blades are kept behind “security” shelving in Wal-Mart? You know the shelf with the clear plastic sneeze guard lid on it?

This is the same security unit that emits an ear-piercing alarm when you lift the lid to retrieve your razor blades, which it turn scares the beegeezus out of you and puts the pharmacists on high alert for roving bandits armed with packages of Mach 3’s. All I can say - you better be sure you have selected the correct package before you lift the lid because if you do it twice within a short period of time, I’m sure a secret alarm is sent to local law enforcement agencies, alerting them of the potential hostage incident about to unfold.

Come on - it’s not like these razor blades could immediately be used as weapons. Considering the packaging they come in, it would require great technical skill and a sharp object before access could be gained – both of which I happen to lack. “Attention Wal-Mart shoppers”, in case you hadn’t noticed, the disposable razors blades are left unattended, run for your lives.

I would have had a better chance of going unnoticed if I purchased lice shampoo, a party size package of condoms and an early detection pregnancy kit. All I wanted to do was purchase some freakin razor blades, but instead I’m meant to feel like a second rate shoplifter – one with hairy legs no less!


Anonymous said…
My coffee nearly came out of my nose from laughing! At first I thought of them being used as weapons, but you're right about that crazy packaging, takes a much LARGER razor to get that hard plastic open!! great post!
CrazyCris said…
I'm laughing myself off the chair!

I think can hear that alarm from way over here! :p
Are you serious? What has this world come to?
Beatriz said…
LOL! It is absolutely vomitous that Wal-Mart does that! Love the new word ;) Have you noticed that they're twice as expensive now as well? It's a conspiracy but I don't know for what...
Bobby Allan said…
I noticed a lot of stores do that with razors and I've never been able to figure it out. Is their street value higher or something??
Shawn said…
You know, now that you mention it, I've noticed they keep the razors at the grocery store way up near the checkout counter. I guess it won't be long before they're BEHIND the counter, with the cigarettes and porno mags.

But I need those too, so it won't really be that much of an inconvenience.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
It's like that at Shoppers Drug Mart too... and I hate it! I usually try to lift it as less possible as I can without making the stupid little bell go off. I really don't understand why they're displayed like that.. I mean they are so well-packaged they can't hurt anyone. And like you said, I think you would get noticed trying to take them out of the package!
Lori E said…
One of the most stolen items in a store. Maybe if they didn't cost more than a prime rib roast people wouldn't steal them so much. The packaging must cost a bundle.
Where is the party by the way?
Brian Miller said…
omg! ha-larious! unles of course you happen to be the one accosted by the alarm. Careful, someone might attack and use a safety razor on those legs.

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