Transformers 2 - Rise of the Fallen

I just got back from seeing Transformers 2 - "Rise of the Fallen". It can be summed up with one word - "fantastic"!

I'll admit, I was a doubter and didn't think the first one could be beat, so I was pleasantly surprised. If you liked the first, you will also enjoy this one. I would say the storyline is a little darker than the first, but it is offset with more pieces of comic relief and of course - action, lots of action.


Brian Miller said…
nice. glad to have a couple reviews now as they appear to be mixed. maybe will chance it this weekend.
Beatriz said…
You beat me! I was going to watch it this weekend but one of my friends is coming back from France so he asked me to wait for him. I'm glad you liked it because the critics have been so harsh.

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