Friday Randomness...

  • I’ve won a free introductory to flight lesson from a local ultra-light flying club. Call me crazy, but I’m not sure how thrilled I am to going flying in a machine that is essentially powered by lawnmower engine and in order to start, the propeller needs to be “hand cranked“. I’m adventurous, but not suicidal…

  • I went to a Toronto Blue Jays baseball game last night. The Blue Jays had been on a semi-winning streak (if 3 count); however last night, they lost to the Cincinnati Reds. It wasn’t even an entertaining game. On the upside, it was “Ladies Night Out” and as a give we received a nice pink ball cap. I’m excited that it was pink, as I’m now guaranteed than no one in my household will be tempted to wear it but me.

  • It’s only been one day since the passing of Michael Jackson and already, I’m bitter about the media coverage and rumors surrounding his death. As odd as he was in life, he deserves to rest in peace.
  • Farrah Fawcett also passed away yesterday; however her death has been overshadowed by that of Michael Jackson’s. As weird as it sounds, I feel that she was some how short changed a proper media tribute. Was the reason for lack of media attention because she was expected to die or was it because she was “normal”?


Beatriz said…
I think it was because she was normal. Now everyone is going to rush to see how, why, where,who, what caused Jacksons death. The morbidity of people is astonishing, I'm with you I'm already bitter too. Besides Farah died a very painful death and she documented her death to help others. I think people should appreciate that she was brave enough to say to the world hey this isn't a way to die look at the "treatments" you doctors give they aren't perfect help the patient! Just a little bitter though...
Brian Miller said…
intriguing, missed farrah's death amid all the press michael is getting. hand cranking eh, go for it! love baseball, hope you enjoyed the game. have a great weekend!
k said…
Yep, I'm going with that FF was "normal" too and surely she doesn't make as interesting of a media story -which is completely sad and unfair.

How did I not know you are in Canada?!?! Cute hat!!
CrazyCris said…
Are you kidding?! Of course you should go for that course!!! Sounds like a fabulous adventure!!!

If they weren't safe there wouldn't be thousands of people up in the air in them every day!

Have fun and tell us all about it! ;o)
Anonymous said…
It's all about money with the media. More people tune in for MJ than Farrah, they don't care about the person at all, it's the ratings...I hate the media.

On a better note, nice cap!!! And if it were me, I don't know if I'd be crankin' up the old airplane for a trip so high above ground! I have a height issue I'm trying to conquer! Are you going to do it??
I think I'll end up going for the ride in the flying lawn mower. At some point in my life, I'd like to take actual flying lessons, so this is one more thing to get me that much closer to making my decision.

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