Unless You Have Today as a Holiday....Mondays DO NOT Rock...

Monday – the first day of a new work week.  I try to look at it as a new beginning, but that usually doesn’t last too long…usually until the alarm goes off…
Monday – the day that is the hardest to get out of bed in the morning.  It’s a good thing J is in charge of the alarm clock or I’d never get out of bed on Monday…or any other day for that matter.
Monday – the day when the simple task of making my lunch turns into a gigantic chore.  Although I purchased groceries on Sunday, Monday is a day when nothing appeals to my appetite and I just usually end up packing Mr. Noodles.
Monday – the day I ALWAYS end up needing to stop for gas.  I detest stopping for gas.  You would think I could just take the time on Sunday and avoid the Monday morning gas fiasco, but alas…I don’t.  I will NEVER learn…
Monday – the day I spend most of the day trying to clear the fog from my “weekend brain”.
Monday – the greatest day for morons and idiots.  Heaven forbid Mondays that fall on the same days as a full moon, because then – the idiots just run rampant.  Or, maybe my life isn’t actually full of idiots, maybe by patience just runs a little thinner on Mondays…maybe, but I doubt it.
Monday – the day I never feel like cooking supper and struggle not to succumb to the overwhelming urge to stop for take-out on my way home.  I like to save take-out for Wednesdays…
Monday – the day when I’m in bed by 9:00 p.m. because by then…I need a time out.

How’s your Monday?
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. Unknown…


Simply Suthern said…
I love Mondays. I get to go back to the job I love. I wander down the halls at the office. Good morning, Morning, hey, good morning. Yes, I am one of those. Sorry.
Brian Miller said…
i got no holiday...mondays are long days for me...have my big review meeting every monday for all my clients...can be a beast...then work all afternoon...
Fairy Mae said…
Ugh...Monday day sucks, I have fuzz brain. The night seems to perk up for me.
Today, I got a 420.00 bill from the phone company for a line that was dug on the ex's place. How come they decided I should pay is beyond me but I ain't payin it! Thats how my Monday has started. Ugh!
Well, Monday is one day closer to Friday.

But it exceptionally hard after a long weekend. Bring on another long weekend, soon.
Sarah said…
Yeah I agree. I do have today off but Mondays are the worst - and I don't even hate my job! They were even worse when I did hate my job. It is so hard to get out of bed on Monday. I agree with pretty much everything you said. I tend to end up wasting a lot of time on Monday because as you said, it takes a while to get out of the weekend fog. I just can't focus and I am usually so tired that I feel like I am going to fall asleep! But, I also miss seeing the people I work with so in some ways it's good.
k said…
I'm with ya' on the Monday hatin', but thankfully I had a holiday yesterday. Hooray!! Hope you made it though ok.
raydenzel1 said…
In retail. there are no three day weekends, unless I am on vacation, which I am, and which this time I got sick, which sucks, and back to work tomorrow. My turn I guess
Mike said…
My Monday feelings are pretty much the same, especially about getting gas. I despise pumping gas!!
Bobby Allan said…
My Monday is about the same as yours. And because I sleep in WAY too late on Sunday, I can never sleep well Sunday night so I was around crabby all day on Monday.

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