Random Tuesday Thoughts...Zombie Fruit Flies, Internal Organs and Idiot Co-Workers

My work computer decided to through a hissy fit yesterday and decided not to work (hmmm, kinda sounds like me).  Anyhow it ended up that the hard drive was fried and with that, I lost a few important spreadsheets that I had been working on.  Normally I wouldn’t care and would just recreate them to give me something to do, but I’m leaving for holidays tomorrow, so the time crunch is on.  I’m not too worried because when holidays are on the line and I want to, I can work like a maniac.
The pissy thing about losing data from my computer – I had just purchased a new e-book and hadn’t yet read it.  I’m hoping I can re-download it without additional charge.
Oh and another pissy thing - my font size can only be read with a microscope and I cannot figure out how to change it...
One of my cube dwelling neighbors moved desks yesterday – she was the one that was constantly on speaker phone, so she will not be missed.  Ahhh, it’s so quiet.
Another one of my off-balanced co-workers insists that fruit flies keep biting her.  I tried to explain that fruit flies eat fruit – not human flesh (those bugs would be called mosquitos or fleas), but she’s just not grasping the concept that zombiefied fruit flies do not exist…at least not in Canada.
Any idea what internal organ is on the frontal right hand side of the body?  J has been having pain there and he doesn’t want to bother with the Dr. before holidays, so let’s hope nothing decides to rupture in the Arizona backcountry or I’m going to be telling him “I told you so”.
Okay, I better get back to work.  I’ve got a lot of stuff to get done before lunch…and holidays.

Now, go visit The Un-Mom and random up...


Simply Suthern said…
You could explain to your office mate that they may be s--t eating flies.

Frontal right hand side of the body includes the half the stomache, appendix, right lung upper and lower intestines and part of the liver.

Without seeing him I cant make any assumptions. That will be $350.
raydenzel1 said…
Ah, the crazed workers rise again!
Brian Miller said…
at least work keeps life intersting right? smiles.

yeah i think its the appendix...
VandyJ said…
Enjoy your vacation. With any luck the pain your husband has will not rear it's ugly head. You can hope anyway.
Beatriz said…
For J, it can be the appendix or the gallbladder. Maybe he should check it out before going.

Have a good holiday :)
Stacy Uncorked said…
Murphy and his Law have it out for you, too, eh?

I'm with the Senorita - J should really get that pain checked out before vacation...nothing like interrupting vacation with an emergency room visit!

Enjoy your vacation! :)

RTT: Dinosaurs, Geodes and a Scenic Moth
Sarah said…
The fruit flies thing is funny - who really thinks they bite humans? I am sure you are glad to have that cube neighbor gone that is super loud! Hope your week is going well - I am sure it is great now that you are off for vacation soon! I am jealous - but I say that everytime you mention vacation! Can't wait for ours in the fall. Enjoy!
Next time she complains about the fruit flies reply with "What fruit flies? I haven't seen any fruit flies around here." Maybe she'll start thinking she's crazy and imagining things.

Lower right stomach pain is often the appendix. Trust me you don't want to blow that pain off.
Pearl said…
I am enjoying the thought of coworkers bitten by zombie fruit flies. Might want to keep a banana at your desk for a while, just to throw down the hall when the guy at the next desk starts to look threatening!

Raven said…
Have a great trip. I hope your pain isn't anything serious.
CrazyCris said…
one less annoying neighbour, YES!!! I hope her replacement isn't too bad...

enjoy your vacation!!! but Arizona? no water over there!!! no diving??? at least you'll have some gorgeous canyonlands... :p

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