We're Off to the Races....
Literally – as part of my son’s 18th birthday
celebrations, he has asked to be taken to the horse races and being the
obliging parents that we are, we’ve agreed to indulge his whim.
Horse racing runs in my family. I had an uncle that was a jockey, another
that was a trainer and a third that was a world class farrier and many more
family members that are well versed at shoveling (bull)shit.
Technically, The Boy is now legal age to place bets and with
that he firmly believes that the “ponies” are a sure fire way to win him some
money. *insert eye roll here* Don’t
worry, we have also supplied him with the parental lecture about responsible
gambling (if there is such a thing). He's actually been studying up on how to read the program, stats and placing bets. I'm shocked since studying is not something he has ever willingly participated in.
It doesn’t matter if we win or lose, we are
guaranteed to have a fun.