I Just Need to Say...

Sewing sucks ass...

I'm a fairly creative person, but not when it comes to sewing.  I have spent all day attempting to make a carrying case for a tripod - J's stupid tripod.  It would of been a hell of a lot more economical just to buy one, especially when it comes to my sanity.

If something could go wrong, it did - broken needles, broken thread, tangled thread, etc. etc.  I can't even manage to wind a bobbin, so I don't know why I even bothered to attempt this project.  I guess I like a challenge - stupid me.

I don't know if J likes it and I don't really care.  It's done and so am I.


Simply Suthern said…
I've had projects like that. Just because you can do it dont mean you should. LOL, It builds character.
Brian Miller said…
i dont know if i could sew something to save my life...smiles. at least it is done...i hope?
raydenzel1 said…
I take it you had a bad day?

As Dirty Harry once said, "one has to know their limitations".
So, let's summarize....you hate sewing. You are too funny. I agree, sewing can be very frustrating.
raydenzel1 said…
Just to let you know, I am pulling followers off my post. a long story
Me too! It's a good thing we don't have to make our own clothes or we'd be wearing fig leaves
Brindy said…
Been there, felt like that. Good for your for persevering and finishing it. I have many items half finished, back in the bag and under a pile of other stuff that I will get around to finishing someday - no, I'm a Gemini - we start things not finish them.

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