Love is Like a Good Bra...

I love being near water – any body of water will do.  There’s something therapeutic about watching the waves roll in and out and the sound of the surf that brings inner peace – at least to me.  Not that my life is full of turmoil, but a day at the beach is guaranteed to bring me calm.
We are fortunate to have one of the Great Lakes (Lake Erie) within 20 minutes of our house, so every chance we get in the summer, we head to the beach.   We are also fortunate enough to know where the secluded beaches are and it’s these secret beaches that allow me access to literally miles of unspoiled beachfront.  It also helps that they are part of a biosphere reserve.
On Saturday, J and I left home early and arrived at the beach by 8:00.  We proceed to walk along the beach for the 4 hours – 2 hours in one direction and 2 hours back.   J would wander here and there, photographing this and that.  I would stroll in and out of the surf, bending down to hunt for treasures – rocks, shells, beach glass.
Although we were together, we were alone with our own thoughts and barely a word was spoken.  It was nice.   It was comfortable.  It was the way any relationship and a good bra is meant to be – supportive, yet non-intrusive.


Beatriz said…
And like love, it's hard to find a good priorities seem to be askew... :D
Brian Miller said…
love the analogy...and love those moments like th one you describe...
Simply Suthern said…
LOL, I was wondering when the bra was coming in to the story.

But yes the beach is great. I live on the east coast so the weather moves out to sea. The best of all times is after the storm moves thru and the lightening is over the ocean. Gorgeous.

Glad you feel rejuvenated.

How would J describe it?? Life is like a good atheletic supporter?
Sarah said…
Wow - we are not there yet. I could not go somewhere with my hubs without talking the whole time. That is probably just my immaturity and the immaturity of our relationship but I would think he was mad at me and he would most certainly think I was mad at him! But that is awesome that you guys can do that! True love is never easy but always worth it!
Great analogy. Being able to spend time together and not talk is wonderful. I understand and have that with my hubby.
It great when two people can enjoy just "being" together, Nothing more, nothing less.
k said…
Sounds great to me!!! Love the bra analogy too!!
jb said…
I don't even need a bra casue I don't have much to hold up but the quiet part is awesome. And yes having Lake Erie within 20 minutes is a nice treat with the heat we have been dealing with.

Zanil Hyder said…
I like the simile that you used and i wondered what this was going to be and like what was mentioned about i was waiting how it was going to be compared until you did that in the end like in a fiction 55.

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