Twiddling My Thumbs...

I’m not even sure what a “twiddle” is, but I think I’m doing it or I could be diddle-farting.  Diddle-farting seems more appropriate to what I’m actually doing, which is nothing except trying to look busy and fly under the radar.
Last week was crazy busy and today – nothing.  Ughhh…
So with that said, here is my to-do list for today:
  • Look for some cheap flights to somewhere - anywhere that’s warm in November (and cheap) will do nicely.
  • Update my resume.  My recent job prospect is asking for an updated resume.  Do you think I should list my accomplishments of reading e-books at work or my mad skills at time wasting skills.
  • Take an extra long lunch – maybe go the bookstore or mall.
  • Do some online shopping.
  • Organize my paper clips.  The “ribbed” ones need to be removed…I don’t like the way they leave marks on my paper.
  • Clean up the dust bunnies from behind my monitor.
  • Read some more of my e-book.
  • Bother everyone in my general vicinity.
As you can see, I have a busy day ahead, so I better get at it…wish me luck.


JennAventures said…
looks like our agendas are similar
Brian Miller said…
ack. i would so lose it...good luch wih the job prospects...
Jessi J. Walton said…
Oooooo!!! Organizing paper clips!! I should do that too. You sure know how to pass the time!
Sarah said…
Well, I'm blogging and leaving blog comments so there you go.
Sarah said…
Kinda sounds like some of my days! The only problem is, when I have down time at work, I can't go to most websites! Boo. But yeah I have more free time than I would like but I still do love my job. We decided we want to go to Vegas since we have never been but I have had to look for trips on my home computer! :)
It makes for such a long day when there is nothing to do.
Simply Suthern said…
I am swamped at work. You got a few minutes you could spare?
raydenzel1 said…
paint the cubicle!
f8hasit said…
Sort and organize the paper clips?
You DO have a busy day!
Raven said…
Good luck! It's hard to keep from going crazy when your whole day is about wasting time and looking busy.

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