Random Friday - The Queen is Coming....

It’s Friday – Yippee!!
Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada and with that came a day off.  The sucky part of that - I had to come back to work for one stinking day.  The suckier part of that – there is no one here today except for my boss and a handful of other people.  I guess at least some people had the smarts to take today as a vacation day.  The suckiest part of all – I’m not one of those people.  Damn my need to save my vacation days for actual trips out of my lovely country in the dead of winter.
J worked yesterday (has today off in lieu of the holiday) and The Boy has finally secured a summer job, so I had the house to myself.  It was VERY nice to have some alone time.  I think that last day I had the house to myself was in 2003 (no lie).
Queen Elizabeth II is coming to the city where I work on Monday.  Yep, she is actually taking a tour of a Research in Motion facility, which happens to be down the street from where I work.  In case you’ve been living in a cave for the last decade Research in Motion just happens to be the maker’s of the Blackberry.  I don’t really picture the Queen as being much of a Crackberry junkie, but apparently it’s on her “Royal Wave” Tour.  I could however picture her with an iPhone…
It’s going to be a gorgeous weekend weather-wise, so I might just need to make a trip to the beach (Lake Erie).  It’s only about 20 minutes away, but seems like an eternity on the ride home when you end up with sand in your bathing suit and in between your toes and in your hair.  I hate sand…
Happy Independence Day to all of my American friends!!!   With that, I leave you with a quote from Jeff Foxworthy….
“You may be a redneck if... your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.”


Brian Miller said…
i want to own a fireworks stand lol! it does suck to come back for a day...hope you have a wonderful weekend though!
raydenzel1 said…
yes, Independence Day, where we did stuff for freedom that we would never be allowed to do again. grumble, grumble
Fairy Mae said…
I had to come back to work today too and I am the only one here...hence why I am surfing the net!!

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