Unthinkable Horror...

I found out through the ever-so reliable grapevine this morning that the Internet Nazis are REAL - just like zombies, mermaids and unicorns. 
True story – internet usage throughout the entire company is being monitored by “The Man”.  
What the hell am I going to do now?  For those that have been reading this blog for sometime know that my only purpose for coming to work is because of the high-speed internet.  Seriously - I don’t actually have enough “work” in a day to keep busy.  I am not what you could call a productive member of the working society.  I surf the Internet for 7 hours out of a day – no more, no less!  I feel so violated.  I am totally freaking out!!!
I guess it’s back to finding creative ways to look busy at work - like these or killing time reading e-books (obviously not ones downloaded at work) or writing my memoirs or a screen play.  Ahhh!!!
What does that mean for our blogging relationship?  Besides the fact that I'll have to now check in during the evening...Well, I’m going to have to get creative – I need to do some research on how I can become a hacker and circumvent the invasion of my privacy by “The Man”.  Wait – I need the internet for that.  Shit, I’m screwed!


That's just criminal! How dare they! I'm convinced you will persevere.
Rachel said…
They say that about our place too but I decided a long time ago that I don't care. If they want to fire me then I'll be free!
Brindy said…
I have other friends who have the same problem, if you find a way round it they would be really interested to know how.
Mara said…
Can't talk freely here...the man is watching. Beware.
Simply Suthern said…
Cant help with the internet problem.

But to look busy you need a clipboard. Then walk fast and look worried.
Beatriz said…
That's horrible, I tell ya there are spies every where you go!
Brenda said…
I"m lucky that "The Man" at my place of work is my husband. He knows that I spend most of my day wasting time on the interwebs. Good luck on finding a way around it. :)
have fun protecting yourself.
Happy Friday!
Sarah said…
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Sarah said…
Welcome to my world! Due to the nature of our business, we can't get to more than 75% of internet sites (only boring financial related ones) on our regular computers. Hence why I always comment on your blog in the evening and why I seem to have little time to post! :) I would love to post during the day but no time! That does suck though since it changed. Sorry to hear that but I will still look forward to your posts, regardless of when they are! :):)

Hope you have a great weekend.
Miss Angie said…
That's been the case at all of my jobs, and most things were just plain blocked1 Except my blogging... UNTIL THIS JOB! ARGH! THERE IS NOOOOOO INTERNET. I'm dying.
CrazyCris said…
Ouch! How dare they!!!

Good luck finding our solution... we need our daily dose of YOU!!!

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