I Want Wednesdays - Rainy Day Edition

It’s been raining for over a week now.  It seriously needs to move on before I need to consider building an Ark and let’s be honest - I don’t have the energy for that sort of undertaking.
So, in preparation for the upcoming 40 days and 40 nights of rain, I want the following rain gear and accessories:
Rubber Boots (with Dragon Flies) - Sexy, I know!

Rain Hat - I love hats!
Umbrella - I love the pointy end - never know when you may need a weapon.

Rain Coat - I also need a rain coat, but couldn't find any I liked.  I did find this HIDEOUS one, which I thought I would share.  Seriously, if I was to wear this, you could call me Little Red Riding Hood and give me a BROOM!  Can you say UGLY?

Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!

(no offense by my bloggy friends located in Spain - CrazyCris or Jacqui)


Damn rain.

I have my rubber rain boots on today. They're black with colored polka dots and I love them.

I also have a green rain hat and a green slicker. I rock.
Simply Suthern said…
Please send me some rain. The tomatoes and crawdads are suffering.
raydenzel1 said…
I see another business on your horizon!
Brian Miller said…
ha. stay dry...i do like the dragonflies...
Bobby Allan said…
I love those boots. I keep seeing them in all kinds of colors but they just aren't practical to buy. I mean, how many days will I be spending walking to school in the rain?
Raven said…
It's been raining here for a week too, and it's killing my joints! I love rain, but only in small doses, not for a week or more!

Love the boots and umbrella!
have a sunny and funny Thursday!
lovely writings!
Brindy said…
Thanks for the jingle - today we have rain in Spain and the dogs are not happy!

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